Ai esta uma super dica para as Irmãs do Sul aproveitarem muito bem o Feriado de Carnaval!!
Confesso que nunca tive a oportunidade de prestigiar os congressos dos anos anteriores,
mas Inshallah, quem sabe consigo este ano!!
Fica a dica, uma oportunidade excelente de adquirir mais conhecimento e conhecer outras Irmãs. É bom lembrar que tem uma Ummah crescendo, e entrar em contato!! Trocar experiências, fatos inéditos, chateações e afins.
Com CarinhoFay.Z
Salam Waleikom Sisters
There is a tip for the South Brazilian sisters enjoy the Carnival Holiday!!!
Sadly I never got the opportunity to enjoy the last congresses but InshAllah, this year I'm enjoying this one.
Anyways there is the tip, a great opportunity for adding more knowledge, and meeting an other sisters.
Its terrific remember there have a Ummah growing and get in touch. Share experiences, facts and all that just sisters can understand.
With Love
There is a tip for the South Brazilian sisters enjoy the Carnival Holiday!!!
Sadly I never got the opportunity to enjoy the last congresses but InshAllah, this year I'm enjoying this one.
Anyways there is the tip, a great opportunity for adding more knowledge, and meeting an other sisters.
Its terrific remember there have a Ummah growing and get in touch. Share experiences, facts and all that just sisters can understand.
With Love
2 comentários:
aparece lá Faaaaaaay,
acampamento islamico é tuuudo de bom, mashaallah
Salam waleikum
Oi, Salam Aleikum!
Fay, tenho um selinho pra vc aqui:
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